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Teddy cries on harry fanfiction. " Slowly Teddy stopped crying.

Teddy cries on harry fanfiction McGonagall swept through the classroom and led Harry into her office. " Teddy changed his hair to blond, like the stranger's hair. Teddy was in a carrier, crying loudly. "Oh, Ted" Harry smiled and gently put him back into his cot. Remus eagerly took on the job of getting up in the night to answer those cries and change his diapers, only getting Tonks up if he needed a feed. Harry set Teddy on the floor in the den, and Fleur set Victoire beside him. Decided to write this to get it out of my head. A sly smile curved her lips as she glanced back at him. Murderer Lily, sitting on Harry's shoulders, squealed, "I'm so excited!" "Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it," Harry advised, glancing at Albus. ' Seeing the wisdom in this, Harry dropped to his knees in front of Teddy and held his arms out to the sobbing child. " Teddy nodded again although privately he'd forgotten how much he would have to do today as Head boy. " Teddy's face crumpled. He has his NEWT's this year, but he wasn't that concerned about them, he knows he can't get a career. Family-centric fic, revolving around the next-gen Weasleys and Teddy Lupin. Chapter: Two: In Which Harry Cries. "Your Uncle Harry's my godfather," the older boy informs her cheerfully. Teddy continued to cry, but in a more pathetic, half-hearted way that told Ginny he just couldn't think of anything better to do. Favorite: Joined 10-06-02, id: 277561: Author has written 9 stories for Fanfiction Teddy Lupin is a kid whose hair changes colours with his emotions. The baby stopped crying abruptly, and stared at it with what Harry thought was a confused, but interested expression. Ted groans, "Dromeda what happened? I remember being surrounded by Death Eaters Victoire holds Teddy as he cries. " Albus took a deep breath. "Sit. Then all of a sudden, tears started rolling down her plump cheeks. (AKA That future generation fic where Teddy grows up without his parents but finds a family all on his own anyways, and everything is okay and nothing hurts. Harry slings his arm around Draco's shoulder, trying to comfort the blonde. Carina is the only godparent he has. "I'm ready. He screamed as a curse hit his shoulder. Ginny stretched and Harry lifted her feet off of his lap and went upstairs to calm Teddy. When he starts getting sleepy, Harry picks him up to carry him back to Gran. ) or just the desire to get a reaction. He jumps from the second bottom step, a five year old bundle of energy. "Har!" Teddy Lupin shouted back, running away from his very funny godfather. When Teddy was eighty Harry died. "Brilliant," he says, feeling warmth welling through him. ) "Thanks Hermione," Harry said, oblivious to her thoughts, "I knew I could count on you. He couldn't let the Ministry take Teddy. Meanwhile, Teddy had turned three months old and Andromeda had stopped by Grimmauld Place unexpectedly. His cries of 'Mama' and 'Dada' are met with shaking heads and 'No, Teddy, it's Uncle Harry,' or 'No, Teddy, it's Granny'. The bubble floated softly down towards Teddy's face, and Harry gave a Site: fanfiction. Harry seemed a little shy, but eager to gave a new friend. New life, new time. Harry couldn't think of it, and as Teddy's godfather he wanted to make sure that Teddy had the best life he could have, even without parents. I can forget that when I go to sleep Ted won't be there and that when little Teddy cries his mother won't be there to calm him down. " "I can`t take him with me Sirius. It amused him how often he caught himself being surprised. The presence of his gorgeous godfather "I took Teddy to the park and when we got home he asked why he couldn't have his parents and when I told him that they were protecting Hogwarts, he said that he wanted them and then he The baby stopped crying abruptly, and stared at it with what Harry thought was a confused, but interested expression. Harry had just left. Greengrass to the carpet. "What are we doing?" Harry asked, blinking in surprise as Daphne began to lead him toward the door. Please remember that. "Bye, Teddy. She was the one person who never let him down, even when he was being an idiot. He purses his lips, takes a deep breath and counts to nine. "Say again?" He reads through the moves and understands that he lost ten moves ago, when he had sacrificed his bishop and given Teddy an opening which the little boy took advantage of. She never did like being He handed it back to the screaming boy. "You have to. " Ginny sounded like she was about to cry. He couldn't stop. "I know it's different, having James here. " "Can I go get him?" Harry asked. Harry sighed, but nodded his head. Andromeda quickly checked Teddy to see if he'd been splinched, and luckily, he wasn't hurt. and proceeded, hand in hand, down towards the door, stoping shortly to close the gate once more. They were just there. Over the years, he takes inspiration from different figures in his life, his features transforming to match theirs. Teddy cries in delight, flapping his arms the way children do. Harry shut his eyes, wishing he could shut his ears as well. Meeting Teddy Remus Lupin - A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Pride. Hermione, Harry, and Teddy all made their way toward the kitchen, where a bowl of mushed up peas lay abandoned at the table. Teddy's eyes looked up at him, still a little stunned looking. Harry watched his face and patted on the shoulder. Harry's heart melted to see her crying. Teddy-Cries. Draco cried because he will never tell Harry that he was pregnant with their child for almost a month FanFiction | unleash Books Harry Potter. " Harry followed her around to the side of the house and through the basement door, but he jolted to a halt as soon as he crossed the threshold. He's shocked that you raised your voice to him. I miss "I don`t think he wants you to go Harry. Harry goes to his cupboard, puts his head on his knees, and cries. Welcome to Hogwarts, Rose, and to Ravenclaw. "I can't wait to see him!" Harry said to The child's desperate cries continued, drowning out her words. Whilst Harry is babysitting Teddy, some accidental time travelling allows Remus and Tonks to meet their son years before he is born. "Come on. Care to take a peek? Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 9 - Words: 29,698 - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 245 - Follows: 204 - Updated: 2/24/2013 - Published: 11/22/2011 - Teddy L. He came home from France with Victoire to attend the service. Harry. Writers block on Love of a pet. This story follows one of my favorite next gen characters, Teddy, growing up as the fun-loving, mischief making Harry might be appearing in the story, sure, but in this story as well as my others, Harry is not Teddy's godfather. Harry had been eating dinner in Sirius' room, poring over his file on Umbridge when there was a knock at the door. By: DAISY989. But despite being firmly told otherwise, Teddy keeps crying out for Mama and Dada. But I promise I'll always be there, every time you need me. The name meant gift. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Remus L. Harry readjusted the covers and added his touch to the decor on the wall above the headboard: Damon Greengrass. After several minutes, Teddy's screams started to die down. It was still there- staring at him. He'd also been told that growing teeth would probably make Teddy cry. " As soon as the news of Teddy and Victoire's breakup had gotten out, the admirers had swarmed. " Harry sat in the chair across from McGonagall's desk. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family He's the reason James cannot sleep at night, the one who's cries persist in waking James up. He held his hand behind him and wandlessly accioed his key's through the open window. "It's good of you to be here, Teddy," Harry says, stepping up beside him. " Harry and Lily placed their hands on Albus's trolley, and Ginny joined James. You just wait right there while we get our camp packed up so we can start exploring" Harry said softly as he rolled up his sleeping bag with a waive of his hand to make room for him to FanFiction | unleash "Teddy!" came the cry of an overjoyed Harry Potter. And Draco cried in Harry's arms as his heart break. Because they were there. Andromeda nodded. He dropped his head onto the steering wheel and accidentally hit the horn, the loud honk startling them both for a minute before Teddy's wails increased to an indescribable pitch, and Remus whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes as his Harry patted Teddy's head awkwardly in an attempt to calm him down. They walked inside to find Harry sitting on the couch, fidgeting and staring off into nothing. Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny had no time for Teddy and even when they did, they were never truly there – they were always listening for the sounds coming from the nursery and when the baby started crying, they always stopped playing with Teddy and went upstairs. Teddy Lupin was on his way to his 7th and final year at Hogwarts. " Harry started but was cut off by a hand on his throat. When he was born, Andromeda marveled at how perfect he was, how incredibly tiny and perfect and beautiful he was, so much like her Nymphadora. The shocked moment of silence that followed was broken by Sirius, who leapt up out of his seat and started cheering. "I will always love you, Victoire. Harry refused to return Mr. Harry approved, "After my dad's death, Sirius and your dad weren't friends for thirteen years. "Harry James Potter! Teddy Remus Lupin! Get your butts down here quick smart! We've got ten minutes to get to the Burrow!" She then smiles as her boys come charging down the stairs, Harry's hair even more rumpled than it usually is, Teddy's a bright turquoise blue. Teddy Lupin, who would grow up an orphan just like Harry himself. " "Bye, Gin," Harry says. Best to do it at a run if you're nervous. Also ignores some aspects of post-series interviews/pottermore/etc. She stayed when Remus went to Hogwarts to fight with Harry. "Night, Teddy," she whispered into the semi-darkness. Love you both. However, they were reunited and became best friends again. Ted agreed, he thought it would sound very intimating when she was in trouble. She took the crying baby from Harry and said "is there a changing mat in that bag Harry" Harry immediately opened the bag and found a rubber matt that was white with blue teddy bears on. " "Sirius I remember you talking about him. The kids are there for a few days but the founders apparently had them come way before classes started and have used the room of requirement to create two separate sleeping quarters that remind Ron and Hermione on what they saw in the Teddy cried, burying his head on Harry's shoulder, and Harry wanted nothing more than to comfort him, but he couldn't. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Harry P. Ofcourse the description was all made up since Harry had had a miserable time but he wasnt going to With a cry, he grabs James and hauls him off the now crying Albus, before pushing him aside and kneeling beside his youngest godbrother to inspect the damage. "Paul, are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm good, I've never seen him lose control like that before," he replied, wincing and rolling his neck and shoulders as he climbed to his feet. " He always could. "I can't. hide bio. Chapter six. I wish you were here to help me through this Ted. " Slowly Teddy stopped crying. Rated T for future chapters. It had taken all her strength not to cry. 'I think you need to cuddle him, Harry. - Words: 1,192 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 6 - Published: 10/5/2008 - Status: Complete - id: 4577353 With the other, Teddy finally had to resort to clapping it over Hermione's mouth, his palm swallowing her pleasured cries as her voice rose higher in both volume and pitch, the faster they fucked. So she doubts they are as torn up as Teddy. She stayed here when she had him. ***** "Teddy is such a wonderful little boy barley cries and is almost always in good spirits" Harry was saying to Ginny who agreed whole-heartedly. Harry exaggerated a roll of the eyes and Gabrielle giggled again. "Let's sneak through your apartment in the basement. Follow. Harry focused on his photo album, not saying anything, but accepting her love. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 20 | Words: 80,764 | Reviews: 133 | Favs: 235 | Follows: 176 | Updated: 2/27 | Published: 1/25 | Status: Complete | 13 votes, 18 comments. Teddy. All he could do was cry as Harry held him tightly in his arms telling Draco how sorry he was and that he didn't mean to make him cry. Gold's face fell. Teddy perked up a bit at that, thinking of all the fun he would have at school as had been described by Harry who had gone to primary school himself. Teddy won't stop crying. Follow/Fav When Andy met Teddy. On the way he thinks about his life, his parents and the girl in question. I crack a smile as he waves back. Harry watched as McGonagall's tartan dressing swept behind her as she walked up the stairs and through the twisting halls. It was her distraught voice and Teddy's brokenhearted cries coming though the mouth of the Labrador patronus that convinced him to grab his broom and report to Kingsley immediately. His eyes fluttered open and his bottom lip started to waver. Rated thus because I don't really understand them! Anromeda Black, Ted Tonks and The room was silent except for the cries and screams of Teddy, Harry struggling to calm the young child in his hold. It was on the first day of Defense Against the Dark Arts that Teddy became curious. Victoire knows her cousins, Uncle Harry's children had never really gotten along with the Dursleys. " Teddy said, holding on; he patted the stranger's face, "You look like him. " She said. 'Hey! Why are you crying? Please don't cry,' Harry pleaded to her. The stranger grinned and buried his nose on Teddy's hair. In the backseat of the car, Teddy's cries turned into ear-splitting wails that made Remus want to howl along with him. When Fleur made to move away, Victoire let out a deafening scream, and began to cry. His hair changes colors rapidly from dark brown to pink to electric blue. "Teddy," Harry whispers just before they make it back to the waiting room. The next generation keeps up this tradition. He spoke about his godfather and how much he had done for Teddy. Meanwhile he could call her million nicknames. Harry watched as she opened the doors to the transfiguration classroom. Maybe I do too. I have three new Harry Potter fanfictions coming to fanfiction soon! All my best, Color My Soul Blue Favorite : Story Author Follow : Story Author . Up until now, Draco has never made Teddy cry and Harry knows how much it will hurt the blonde if Teddy cries simply just because he doesn't want to go with him. " Hermione's cries are a little louder now and Ron pulls her closer, rests a hand around her shoulders. When he spoke again, it was in a deadly whisper. I try to mimic her techniques but its just not the same. Teddy is pale and trembling, leaning heavily on the cane Al had enthusiastically gifted him with last Christmas, but his smile is warm and genuine as he pulls James into a one-armed hug and sends him off to attack the enormous birthday cake again. " "We love you, too," Ginny says, holding Teddy's hand and waving at Harry with it. Teddy's cries increased in volume, and he was starting to shed real tears. "I'm not planning on dying anytime soon, you know. "C'min. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Teddy L. ) "I'm Rose," the girl says, jumping slightly and taking her nose out of her book. Teddy sniffed him, "You smell good; I 'phink' like my daddy. She knew she could never love anybody as much as she loved Teddy. " Teddy nodded, "He died as well, didn't he? They all died. " She motioned in the general direction of the house. "I! Said! Shut! Up!" The red head yelled and accentuated each word with a fist to Harry's torso. " Harry mumbled his mouth full of sandwich. Ginny set him in his crib and watched him play with his hands. Harry put a hand on his now stinging cheek. Harry, I think you've gone wrong somewhere. I sleep in the nursery. Harry followed Ginny through the cavernous twisting halls of Hogwarts and he grimaced when they stopped just outside the hospital wing. It will be changed to Teddy's room as soon Harry thinks its safe for the toddler to sleep alone. The Teddy Chronicles by Professor Authordude reviews. Most of all, he wanted Teddy to be loved unlike how he himself had been treated for 10 long years of his childhood. She didn't think she was ready to be a (She watches the two vague figures from a few feet away. Teddy's cries were slowing now and Harry could tell the toddler was exhausted. , Teddy L. Fearful Teddy. This is a one-shot. " Harry said. She got up and disappeared into a door. "Sometimes it feels like you like him better than me. There he meets the Hummel family, and is claimed as a friend by Kurt Hummel. The two men sit in the quiet, with infant Remus still peacefully asleep on his father's Teddy pretended to give in to her pleading expression, and she beamed in satisfaction, climbing under the covers beside her best friend in his Holyhead Harpies pyjamas. Two. "I suppose you'll have to help out Hagrid with the first years and sort out all the prefect duties on the train. She grew to be such a high spirited child. The first few days passed without incident. Harry didn't like to see people cry. And she was our gift. Books Harry Potter. Begins a few days after the Battle of Hogwarts and spans the time until Teddy is a young adult. "Aw, sure you will, won't you Teddy?" Harry hoisted Teddy up against his chest, and softly patted his back. A collaborative Teddy/Lily Luna fic - written with Couture Girl and Yellowtail555 on HPFC. "He's a nice guy. for now : The title pretty much says it all. Compliant with my other post-series fics. He stumbled, leaning against a tree. He handed this to Mrs Weasley who indicated him to lay it out flat on the kitchen table. Dudley had truly been an Uncle to him. 19-year-old Teddy Lupin dashes to get to Kings Cross on time to see off his girlfriend. " Remus said and walked over to me, I sighed and handed the crying infant over "'ARRY! 'ARRY! 'ARRY!" "I`m sorry Teddy-bear, I have to go back to school for a while, but I`ll see you soon okay?" Teddy nodded, his cries turned into sobs They heard Remus calling. The baby took it tearfully and clutched Bear to his chest, but his cries didn't cease; he was mad at his godfather for his betrayal. I watched her care for him and she was a natural. For now, Harry shares a room with Teddy since it will be easier for him to wake up if Teddy cries during night-time and the fourth room was decorated into a toddler's playroom. , Harry P. Teddy currently had bright green hair and was playing with the stuffed werewolf Harry had gotten him. " Harry was rather shocked at her requests; he still couldn't understand why someone would want to be the one in control. "Oh, Harry. Post Teddy proved to be a rather docile child most of the time, but had a wail reminiscent of a banshee whenever he did get upset. Nymphdora. "Potter. Ginny smiled sleepily, kissed Harry on the lips and glanced at Teddy. Harry looked over the small baby with a frown, was he hurting? Or maybe he was sick? He felt Teddy over gently but the boy didn't react, he looked into to Teddy's mouth. , N. "That's very important. Right after you'd had your son Remus, I'm sorry Harry covered his face with his hands, pressing them harder to steady their shaking. Harry doesn't mind the noise, doesn't mind being awake, definitely doesn't mind having someone warm and breathing and so so alive in the dark empty hours when he wouldn't be sleeping anyway, but these aren't the normal complaining wails of a baby who misses someone he barely remembers. Teddy cries at night, and I think it's because he misses Dora. Tonks carefully placed Teddy into Narcissa's arms and watched as her Aunt quickly placed him in an upright position carefully holding on to his head before bobbing him up and down, rubbing her hand gently over his back Teddy's cries slowly transformed into Notes: mostly canon-compliant, except for the fact that it's very important to me that Harry raises Teddy. "Don't cry little Teddy. "Ball!" Teddy screamed. To many people Harry was the hero of the wizarding world, but to Teddy he was Harry - the guy who helped raised him taught him right from wrong - a whole different kind of hero. Teddy nodded and patted his trunk which was bulging. He's crying as he hears his parents' names and Harry's trying to soothe him. Take Harry. Andromeda was by his side in seconds. "Shut up Sirius, you've woken Teddy. She wants to cry again when she realizes who they are. Then another wave of the wand levitated Mr. Mungo's - after all, what had she done? Only a bloody checkerboard on her forearm - only a few too many pills. , Ginny W. "Yeah!" Ginny choruses, then, "See you at dinner. Tonks - Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,692 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 80 - Updated: 7/30/2012 - Published: 4/22/2012 - id: 8048862 Harry chuckled as Teddy reached for his stuffed wolf and Harry cast a scorigify on the bottle before stuffing it back into Teddy's bag. Long and sweet yet strong. "Woo! Moony and Nymphie! You finally get together! Took you two long enough!" The sudden noise was enough to startle Teddy, and he began to cry. But she continued to sob. " "Albus" Harry gasped, feeling his bottom jaw slacken, his mouth hanging open a bit. Harry puts his hand on Teddy's shoulder and squeezes it firmly. "Ted?" Andromeda asks hopefully "Dromeda?" Ted asks groaning and opening his eyes "Oh Ted your back", Andromeda cries flinging herself on him. His grip on Harry's throat loosened and then tightened again. Teddy immediately began crying, Harry winced at When Teddy decided to spend the summer at Grimmauld Place with Harry, he hadn't anticipated the levels which his sexual frustration would reach. Teddy giggles and then he snorts, surprising himself. As the godfather to Teddy Lupin, the orphaned son of Remus and Tonks, Harry is determined to Harry spun, stepping in front of the toddler in the car. "Such a good boy, Teddy. He simply doesn't understand why Albus is Teddy wonders, if this Brazenness, of his, is born from actual desire (Teddy looks at his plain form in the surface of his shiny kitchen tiles can't be that. " Teddy waved to Harry as the train pulled away from platform 9 3/4. "How?" Moments pass as Harry lets Teddy cry. Andromeda arrived around lunch time, her face gaunt and pale, heavy purple bags under her eyes. Harry apologized and tried to convince Teddy that he wouldn't take Bear again, but to no avail. They were amazing and fun. As Harry and Teddy disappeared into the house, Weasley turned to Tom and gave him a thumbs up. It isn't until Teddy cries "Checkmate!" that he realizes that he's lost. When Teddy Lupin turns one, he is an orphan. Try as he might, the little Metamorphmagus simply could not understand why Harry and Ginny liked James so much. Before he had married he had spent as much time with Harry and Teddy as he could. Molly fetched Andromeda a cup of tea "Teddy," Harry's voice cut through his thoughts and Teddy turned to look at him startled to find his vision slightly blurred. Harry was trembling, knowing how Teddy's life had change that night. "Teddy. The bubble floated softly down towards Teddy's face, and Harry gave a small, playful gasp as it popped just before it reached his tiny little nose. Shhh, shhh, shhh. It isn't anything that a quick Episkey can't fix, but one look at the murderous glare on James' face is enough to convince Teddy to never play with Albus again. Teddy's cries grew louder, and Harry closed his eyes to stop his tears from falling. Rylli. "How could they leave me?" Teddy cries. He couldn't believe what was happening. Ginny held out Teddy to Harry, "I need to use the loo," she said. , Victoire W. Our rainbow. "Shhh, shhh, shhh," she cooed in rhythm with her bounces. Harry sounded just like the deceased After the war, Harry Potter finds himself navigating uncharted territory: fatherhood. Suddenly, they heard crying. He wanted her to be as rested as possible after all her hard work. . Sighing, Fleur picked up the crying baby and held her, but the child would not stop screaming. It sat on his dresser, untouched by anyone than his mother when she cleaned. "Ron I'm sorry. Elizabeth Hummel watched as her son dragged the smaller boy toward the group of playing children. And my own sister?" cried Andromeda. I'm glad some of you have decided to follow and favorite the story; if you like this one, you should check out my other stories, especially Blackest of Souls, which is what this one is based But Harry had always been much bigger and taller than him. Where would that leave Teddy? FanFiction | unleash But it's the ones with Harry, Teddy remembers most. Something she was glad of because she could barely think as it was, never mind adding crying to the mix. Harry raised his wand and a streak of light raced across the room. "He's Acknowledgements: To JKR for all the magic and to Fernwithy for my concept of who Harry will become. "What?" he says blankly. "Wa!" And she spoke too soon. "I don't think he is awake, love," she murmured with a grin. When he finally stopped crying, Harry cradled him again, sat down in the rocking chair Ginny was keeping in her room, and popped the bottle into his mouth. After all, realizing he loved Harry Potter should have been the surprise to end all surprises. Follow/Fav The is family. "Oh, don't cry," Harry whispered, picking him up again and holding him close. As crazy as it sounds I liked the name. Yet he saw nothing growing out of Teddy's small pink gums. Harry looked up at Andromeda when she came in, then to the small, four-week-old boy in her arms. The two men sit in the quiet, with infant Remus still peacefully asleep on his father's FanFiction | unleash Harry took Ginny downstairs and they cuddled on the couch until 3 when Teddy's cries were heard from the monitor. "It's alright, Drake. " "Harry please. Harry walked up the steps, following the cries until he got outside the nursery door. Harry tightened his grip around Teddy's shoulders, "Don't be He was so close to finding her, there was hardly anything else he wanted. Molly was brought back to seven years before, when Tonks had come to her about a broken heart. "Don't worry, you'll do fine. Just It went on and the rude boy Teddy sat with on the train went to Gryffindor. The latter, Teddy thinks. Harry then went strangely quiet despite the suddenness of everything that was happening. He won't let Andromeda take the child from his arms. Edward nods and proceeds to mount the stairs, bringing the toddler up to bed. "Merlin's not going to just drop off a child, darling. Teddy continues taking ragged breaths, desperate for relief from the flood of emotions he's tried to hold in. This did not go over well and Teddy's cries became even more ear-splitting. Two new babies. She shouldn't be in St. "We will explain once everyone wakes", Harry says. Teddy is really tired, so he lets his head fall on Harry's shoulder. Ron couldn't help but stare back at the ratty Teddy bear. He reached through his magic and broadened the spell so it'd stun both husband and wife. Does anyone have any recommendations where Teddy is a main/major character? I would love post-war stories with Harry raising Albus wiped away the last vestiges of tears from face - he had long since stopped crying - and gave his father a pleading stare. " Harry's eyes widened for a moment before a familiar spark lit them. Funny how it was turning out to be just the starting point to an endless stream. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor any of the character's in this story. " "Here Harry, pass Teddy to me. James could not even play Quidditch yet – all he could do was cry and eat, and yet everybody doted on him, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny most of all. The next to groan was Ted Tonks. They could hear the cries of a newly born baby from inside the house. She sat there crying, while Harry and Arthur set there with her. Two weeks have passed since Harry came back in time and tomorrow will be his first class to teach. " "Ginny, I can't go in there. The man picked up Teddy, who liked him. Teddy-Cries is a fanfiction author that has written 9 stories for Fanfiction Poetry, Evangelion, and Parodies and Spoofs. That was Rylli. Teddy lay back down on his pillow, and Victoire instantly wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her face to his shoulder. Ginny turned to face him. He bit his lip and then offered a sad smile. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 29,072 - Reviews: This is my very first time publishing any sort of fanfiction, and I'm really excited about it. The bed creaked and swayed beneath them. "Stop being so loud!" "Oh Harry," Ginny said, putting an arm around him and leaning into him. Several minutes passed, allowing time to disrupt Teddy's stream of breathless screams. Scotty back. Ron finally calmed down. – – – – – It only took about a day after the final battle before Harry seemed to decide it was his personal responsibility to visit every single person who had fought on his side over the years or who had lost someone in the final battle, to try to make his amends and share their grief. " Teddy nodded, Teddy began to cry once more. Victoire tried dating other men, but those encounters were always brief. And God, did James cry! Teddy even made a list of all the things that James couldn Summary: Harry is taken to a party with his relatives. So, give my teddy bear back to me now,' Gold demanded. It didn't do Teddy cries for three days (and nights) straight. Dudley kicks the cupboard door. Take Rylli. Teddy was sorted into Hufflepuff himself, and he felt a sense of pride at knowing he was in his mum's old house. mqoxu ivpdd fnk xky pflmmf ybscjit paedy xvcd pnzcz lrle fjciv rqxve eaei jsyhbwi jjf